Saturday, May 18, 2013

Working Mum and still feeding the family healthily

I know it's been ages since I've written a blog, but with my supermarket handbook and my additive free cookbook both coming out at the end of last year it's been hectic.

Until recently, I genuinely believed that I was probably busier than most people and if I could make healthy food for the family a priority, anyone could.

However.......I maybe a mother of 4 and a busy author, but most of my writing occurs after hours, when kids are asleep and most of my cooking occurs while the kids are at school.

So I have had to conceed that I might have had more time available then working mums and trying to do both is challenging.

I recently became a single mother and needed a reliable income, so I decided to go back to school teaching. This is where my rude awakening has occurred....

I now have 4 children to have ready and out the door by 7:30am and have 2 different school and a daycare to drop off to before getting to work at 8:20am. Then after a busy day, I get to do the triple pick up again and make it home at around 4:15pm.

Naturally, this routine is exhausting, but I am still determined not to let our nutrition standards drop. So I had to figure out a solution that incoporated the quick, easy, cost effective and nutritious.

Here's what I came up with.

For breakfast, rather than serving 4 different breakfasts, I had to settle on something that everyone likes and save time. I'm now serving chia pudding with raw cacao. It is highly nutritious and can be pre-made the night before and served quickly in the morning.

I had been used to making myself a delicious chopped salad for my time for that, I'll enjoy that on the weekends and on the school holidays. I now make a big batch of soup, taken in a thermos - too easy.

My kids now need all of their recess and afternoon teas made in bulk on a Sunday. So I make 3 cakes and a double batch of biscuits - the cakes can be frozen and the biscuits keep well. I still mill my own flour as well.
I mix it up between sandwiches and homemade crackers and homemade dip. The bread I bake in the breadmachine with the timer set each night before bed. The crackers and dip I make on a Sunday also.

The main committment is I have to put in half a day of cooking every weekend and be super organised. At the moment I still do all of my own cleaning, which takes another half day.

My point to writing this blog is to assert that working full time, cooking from scratch and having a bit of a life CAN be done, it just requires some planning and innovation.

I still manage to get to the gym a few nights during the week and on weekends and my kids still have their sporting activities.

It is hectic and I'm often tired, daily meditatation early in the morning helps with this, but this is living!!! Life won't always be this intense. Takeaways and pre-packaged foood are very tempting, I know but don't tell yourself you dont have time - re-prioritize and find a solution.

If you're a working mother, I send my respect and encouragement to you, hang in there. One day the kids will be gone and you'll look back on these days as the best years of your least I hope!

Here's my new soup creation I'm in love with.

Eggplant, Zucchini and Lentil Soup

1 Large zucchini or 2 medium ones
2 large eggplants
2 onions
1/2 pkt of red lentils (375g pkt)
2L filtered water
4 teaspoons curry powder
2 teaspoons tumeric
1/3 cup grapeseed oil

peel and chop veggies and gently sautee in oil and salt in a large stock pot for 5 minutes. Add water, lentils and spices. Simmer for about an hour. Blend with a stick blender until smooth.

I will still maintain my facebook page The Undeniable Truth About FOOD, my website  and do radio interviews, but my writing will take a back seat. I plan to start working on my revised and updated supermarket handbook in october, finish in xmas holidays for release early next year.

Keep smiling and living life as nature intended!
Kylie Floate x

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Why you should switch to SOURDOUGH!!!
When I was at uni we learned about a thing called phytates. They are a pesky substance found in particularly high levels in whole grains and wholemeal foods. Phytates act like a magnet in the body and binds essential nutrients, particularly iron, making the nutrients bio-unavailable. In other words the body can't absorb the nutrients.
I found this really confusing at the time. I asked my lecturer "why are we recommendeding wholegrain/wholemeal varieties if it has this effect on the body?" and she said "well that would be like reccomending full fat milk just because it has a lower glycaemic index".
Not satisfied with my answer I asked another lecturer, I also asked, "why are we fortifying breakfast cereal with iron if the body won't be able to utilise it?" She smiled and said "because  the industry is interested in profit and people are easily influenced" So I asked what do I recommed then, do I not recommend breakfast cereal?" She said always advocate minimally processed food and cooking from scratch.
One of my textbook had a really interesting chapter about the developing world and the techniques used by these cultures.
The common theme is that grains and legumes/pulses are always soaked overnight and thoroughly washed before use. The grains will semi-sprout, which as it turns out completely changes how the grain is digested - the body now identifies it as a vegetable instead of a starch. The phytates are also released from the grains.
The simple process of soaking, drastically enhances the nutrient quality and absorption.
I now use these techniques at home by making my own bread, pasta and flour for other baked goods.

A kilo of wheat costs about $3 or much cheaper if your in the country. Soak the wheat in filtered water for about a day (this should be rinsed first and then thoroughly rinsed after soaking - I do it 3 times). Then they go into the dehydrator overnight. To mill into flour you'll need a high powered blender, coffee grinder or a miller.

That's great and all but if you don't have these item, that's alot to outlay, plus you might also say......that sounds like alot of work!!! and it is.

There is an alternative - sourdough. Sourdough ferments the grain and breaksdown the phytates and makes it easier for the body to digest. This is another technique that traditional culture are still using.
Sourdough is quite a lengthy process and with 4 kids I need a simpler solution. So here is my sourdough bread machine recipe.

Place in the machine in this order
1/2 cup of starter
3 3/4 cups or organic plain four
1T organic raw sugar
1t salt
12T warm filtered water (this quantity will depend on the consistency of your starter, you might only need 10T or you might need 14T)
Select the dough setting
Once thats finished select the basic cycle with a dark crust BUT you must delay the timer by 12 hours - alternatively leave it in the machine overnight, then bake.
Sure it's not "authentic" but who cares? If it really bothers you, you can always shape it and bake it in the oven after the 12 hours if you really want.

To make a starter
Combine 1 cup of flour and 1 cup of warm filtered water. Stir and cover with a damp towel for a day. Feed it a tablespoon of flour and a tablespoon of water everyday for atleast a week (but it really need two weeks I believe). Keep your starter going, the older it is the stronger it becomes.

If you really can't do this either, then buy sourdough bread at the bakery.

Next post I'll teach you how to make sourdough pasta.
Kylie x

Friday, August 3, 2012

Back into the swing of things! Soup Recipes

So I'm back from my tour which was a once in a lifetime experience for my family. We had talked about  doing a trip around Australia for years and to finally do it was awesome!
However now I'm back into exhausting routine of doing the school run and household chores -ugghh!!! But on the upside I can get back into my exercise (which was sadly neglected), make our food from scratch (which was difficult to do out of a camper trailer), re-establish my veggie garden and get back into my research which is ofcourse my passion.
So I kinda feel like I starting over and thought this would be a golden opportunity for my to share what I'm doing, how to go about it and hopefully inspire you to make some healthy sustainable changes.
In the upcoming blogs I'll help you establish a veggie garden, provide you with simple recipes and techniques to improve you and your family's health. I'll also be talking alot about alkalinity and gut health as it's sparking my passion at the moment (well more than before).
So to start us off I'm sharing my two favourite soup recipes, as it's winter here in Australia and I LOVE SOUP!!!
My purpose is to wean you off adding cream and show you how delicious and healthier it is to use nut stock (even if you hate nuts, I promise I'll win you over!)
And those of you with kids with nut allegies, I encourage you to have them tested with sulphite free nuts. Double blind studies are showing that more children react to the sulphite preservative than the nut itself.

Warning, I have 4 kids and have lost the ability to cook in anything other than bulk, so halve the quanties, if necessary.......or you could freeze portions for lunch.

Broccoli Soup
4 broccoli heads
2 large brown onions
3/4 cup cashews or almonds (cashews taste better, but almonds are healthier, they also need soaking and deskining)
2 cups filtered water for stock
Extra filtered water
Salt & pepper to taste
2T oil, I use grapeseed, avocado or macadamia, but avocado is my favourite for this recipe.
Optional: Add a bunch of kale, it's a super food and easily hidden here - unless it's disguised my kids won't eat it!

Blend nuts and water for about 5 mins until smooth. While this is going sautee the onions (and kale) a little, add the broccoli and sweat it down for a few minutes.
Add nut stock and enough water to cover broccoli. I use about a teaspoon of rocksalt in the pot and after I've served the kids, I add a bit more to mine. (remember babies have 50,000 more taste buds than adults and this gradually depletes with age - they are supertasters so don't over saturated their sense of taste).

Simmer on a low heat for about an hour.
Blend and serve.
You can make a thick nut cream with 1/2 cup of nuts and 1/2 cup of water blended throroughly for garnish if you fancy.

Cauliflower Soup
2 cauliflower heads
2 large brown onions
1 clove garlic
2 apples
3/4 cup cashews (experiment with other nuts)
2 cups filtered water for stock
extra water
2T oil
Salt & pepper to taste
optional 1/2 t cinnamon and dash of cardamon

Same procedure as the broccoli but make sure the apples go in with the onions.

These soups are super cheap to feed the family, couple with some homemade bread - Yum!
Younger kids, or fussy older ones, can have it stirred though pasta or rice. But if you establish soup early on, as an extension of baby food, you should get less resistance.

Try nut stock with your old favourite such as pumpkin, tomato and potato & leek.

Feel free to post your favourite soup recipes.

Until next time
Kylie x

PS Check me out on Facebook at the undeniable truth about FOOD or my website
Plus my book The Undeniable Truth About Food is dirt cheap these days from most online bookstores.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Hello Again

So I have not done a blog in quite a while...
I have been very busy! I recently had my first book published called The Undeniable Truth About Food.
In addition it undertook the crazy task of rating and reviewing every grocery item in the major supermarkets in Australia. To say I have been busy is an understatement! The manuscript is currently with a publisher so hopefully won't be too far away from release.
I rated products in terms of 3 criteria: Nutrition, Food additives and type of packaging used. In order to get a favourable review, it needed to have less than 8g of total fat, 10g of sugar and 500mg of salt. There needed to be no harmful food additives and packaged in either glass, foil, or or waxed paper. For those who are unaware of this fact; all types of plastic packaging (though some are better than others) leach its chemicals into the food/drink.; as does cellophane (as it is now dual layered with plastic), plastic lined tetra cartons, paperboard, polystyrene, steel can and aluminium cans.
It was a big job as I need to obtain the maunfacturers specifications for each product also. This is because we have a 5% labelling loophole which means that anything that is less than 5% of the overall product does not need to be labelled. A stupid law that I have a petition to have abolished.
What I found was that not including baby food, there was 71 products that got a favourable review. 71 out of thousands of items. But I looked at it another way, once the obviously unhealthy food was removed, it was 71 items accross 54 product lines. That's actually pretty encouraging. It means that at least one company is doing the right thing. My new book The Ultimate Supermarket Handbook will guide you to these products as well as teach you how to select meat, fruit, vegetables and many other staples.
In 2 weeks I am taking off with my tour The Undeniable Truth About Food - with my 4 kids, the 4WD and the pop up camper trailer! I am very excited! We are going to Adelaide, Melbourne, Hobart, Canberra, Sydney and Brisbane. Tickets are $22 and are available at
My book is available at bookstore and online I know the book depository has it for $11 and has free shipping
I will keep you posted. I have a bit of media coming up with magazine, newspaper, radio and possibly TV.
More soon xx

Sunday, December 5, 2010

80/20 Maintanence Plan

Congratulations on your weight loss!
The final instalment of this blog series is about how to maintain your hard work!
If you live by the simply notion of eating 80% healthy food, 20% junk you can't really go wrong.
Go for unprocessed whole foods. Processed foods are magnets for hidden sugar, salt and hydrolised fat and protein, as well as preservatives and other nasty additives.
Choose a good breakfast that is a challenge for the body to breakdown. Drink lots of water upon rising 1-2 glasses! Give up that early morning coffee or tea as it interferes with nutrient absorption.
Morning tea should be a piece of fruit, handful of nut, yoghurt or a maximum of 4 plain sweet or savoury biscuits/crackers.
Lunch will depend on your situation. It might be a sandwich, a salad, lean meat and veg, soup, dip ( like hommous or tatkizki) with veggie sticks and a few crackers.
Afternoon tea is similar to morning tea but only choose the biscuit option once!
Dinner should be lean meat or fish with salad or veggies. Limit pasta and rice to twice a week. Eat a wide variety and try and include some raw food everyday!
Drink 1-2L water and don't eat 2 hours before bedtime as this is growth and repair time not digestion time. 
Try to incorporate the serotonin effect by eating something sweet, can be a piece of fruit or a scoop of ice cream to get those happy chemicals flowing through you body.
Enjoy special occassions, just be sensible, after all a special occassion isn't that special if it happens daily!
Good Luck.
By the way my weight loss at present is 14.5Kg, 9cm off my hips and 6 cm off my waist. I still intend to loose another 7Kg which will be made alot easier now that I have completely stopped breatfeeding and can go full tilt!
I hope this has been helpful and motivating for you.
I'm always reachable via facebook or my website
All the Best 
Kylie Floate

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Plastic Chemical Migration

Are still using plastic????
Did you know that chemicals leach from plastic packaging and containers into our food and beverages? Well believe it! What's worse is that the government KNOWS about this and even has legislation of 'so called' safe limits. Studies show that products contain mucher higher levels than is legislated, but what is disturbing is that these chemicals are highly carcinogenic (ie they cause cancer). So what is the government doing endorsing the use of plastic packaging? Most people would assue that 'microwave safe' containers would be safe to use....well they are safe -for your microwave - NOT YOUR HEALTH!
Heat is the fasted way to increase plastic chemical migration. So plastic and microwaves is not a good mix. Plastic kettles another bad idea and plastic coffee travel mugs -yikes! I cringe ther worst at BABY BOTTLES being heated in the microwave or standing in boiling water. Taking BPA out of baby bottle is important - it's a shame that Australia was several years behind the rest of the world, but the bottom line is that babies are too precious to be poisoning with plastic bottles.
Get to know your plastics
The worst kind is shrink wrap, commonly used on frozen pizzas. It is hard to avoid on the likes of cheese. Cling wrap (am scared to use brand names) is not a wise choice on school lunches - get back to the paper bag! Foil is also unstable but mainly with acidic things or heat. So you could use foil on a sandwich. I almost died when I saw them using clingwrap to cook food in on Junior Masterchef.
PET (polyethylene) bottles are very unstable, they are made cheaply for disposal. Did you know that bottled water contains on average 3.1% of various forms of benzene? The numbers increase dramatically when an acidic soft drink is packaged in a PET bottle.
Poly carbonate is commonly used for drink bottles and kitchen containers, much more heat stable than PVC but over time it is a toxic leacher. This is the worst kind to store left over food in or freeze drinks in.
PVC plastic is the hard variety that is often used to make plates and cups. Over time they leach the least amount of chemicals but have no resistance to heat - the worst kind to put in the microwave or serve hot food on like at a BBQ.
Melamine dinner should be banned. Not only do they leach melamine which causes kidney dysfunction, but also formaldehyde, commonly known as embalming fluid! And yes the GOVERNMENT also has legal parameters in place! It does say very clearly on the bottom of the plate/bowl that they are not microwave safe, but how many people actually read this and how many children are served a hot dinner on their favourite character plate?
How about the old microwave plastics stets? They are styrene based and are the most stable. There's the reason why when microwaves were first released everyone always used the special plastic containers. How many people still use them??
What you should do NOW!
Throw away your plastic kettle and cooking utensils like spatulas and ladels (I know you've all got a plastic spatula that melted at the end, the plastic didn't evaporate it DID go into your food.
Stop microwaving plastic containers, this includes plastic wrapped meat on a foam tray (and no foam isn't stable either).
Stop storing your left overs in plastic containers, use a ceramic or glass dish.
Stop wrapping lunches in plastic, switch to paper bags.
Buy a stainless steel drink bottle (not plastic lined)
If you have a baby, use stainless steel or glass bottles.
When a product is available in glass, waxed paper or steel, buy it.
Today it is almost impossible to completely avoid plastic packaging, so be realistic, do what you can.
Ever wondered why some products are always in glass? When was the last time you bought coffee or a cooking sauce in plastic? It isn't because they are concerned about your health, it is because the manufacturer doesn't want the plastic chemicals the affect the taste.
The Factors that affect plastic chemical migration
Acidity - don't buy juices or sauces in plastic
Fat Soluble - don't buy products high in fat plastic packaged such as cooking oil

Please share this info with as many people as possible - awareness is the key. If people stop buying plastic packaged foods, the manufacturers will change their ways!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Transition to your new healthy lifestyle

So now the detox is over - what next??
Congrats on completing a gruelling 4 weeks, it's not easy. Remember the results really won't been seen for another 4 weeks, so don't be tempted to the the weigh and measure yet! The next 4 weeks is really a combination of the 2 diets, not that hard and you won't be hungary, but you will continue to lose weight.
It's really simple...
No bread, No pasta, No rice and keep the starchy vegetables (potatoes, pumkin and corn) to a minimum.

I will be having my banana smoothie for breakfast, but I might have the berry one for variety.
Fruit for morning tea
Soup or salad for lunch
Handful of nuts, yoghurt or fruit for afternoon tea
Lean meat/fish and veg/salad for dinner
scoop of lowfat/low sugar icecream (Paul's Neopolitian is my pick), diet jelly or stewed fruit for dessert.

Over the 4 weeks I will help you to address the underlying causes for the initial weight gain, so it is never manifested again. Remember weight is just a symptom of something else in your life. If you want to keep the weight off you must deal with this issue!!

While I haven't weighed myself in about 6 weeks, I know that the pair of size 12 jeans I bought 4 weeks ago are loosening up and I think I'll be a size 10 at the end of the 4 weeks and be ready for maintanence. If you're not ready in this time and want to loose more I will advise you on how to proceed.
Well done on getting this far.
One last thing you might like to consider, is changing your exercise regime. The more you surprise the body the faster you'll get results. I'm going to start doing my Tracy Anderson's (Madonna's personal trainer) dance aerobics DVD and continue my tummy exercises. Making my work out 45 mins cardio, 15 mins tummys. Choose what suits you, just make it different and try to increase the intensity as you should be feeling fitter that you were.

Have a great week - I'm off to Singapore for a week and am going to eat all the sashimi and dragonfruit I can get my hands on!
Kylie xx